Historian calls for more studies to prove existence of Buddhism in state
Press Conference of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall
The participants of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall unveil in the press conference about this activity. The Morning Alms Round will be held on July 7th, 2012.
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th Generation
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th generation
Dhammakaya Temple and Khlong Luang people protected the flood together (Episode III)
The Summer Mass Ordination Project at Khao Kaew Sadej Education Center
The good news for real men who would like to repay their parents' kindness. The Summer Mass Ordination Project at Khao Kaew Sadej Education Center is opening for you to be ordained in this summer.
The Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni - Biography (II)
The biography of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni. His ordination and his great offering.
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms to 1,000,000 Monks
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms To 1,000,000 Monks From All Temples Nationwide For Celebrating the Lord Buddha’s 2,600th Enlightenment Day
Turn the abandoned temple to be flourishing again
Dhammachai Pilgrimage for Buddhism Restoration. Turn the abandoned temples to be flourishing again.
Power of the Conquering Mara Model of the Luang Pu Amulet :- Mr. Rom Kimprakone
Power of the Conquering Mara batch of the Luang Pu Amulet. Mr. Rom Kimprakone unveiled his experiences about the power and holiness of the Great Master Luang Pu.
The Master Nun's 102nd Birthday Anniversary